Originally Posted by jack-d
Well it is working fine for me on 4.1.12 and now 4.1.12 PL1
Originally Posted by basilrath
As soon as i went to 4.1.12 the fall back image is all that renders on slider where as before there was no issues
Im not lying
Just a simple observation
So how do I make it work on 4.1.12 PL1? I made everything correct (i think).
Here, it only appears the arrays. The widget box is appearing with the arrays, but the images and the written texts aren't. Here's my
debug message:
slider_img_filepath: slider/
width: 650 height: 250
Strech or Crop?
show_articles_without_image: bool(false)
fallback_img: slider/uf_fallback_slider.png
#img: 10
description_length: 95
directory /home/(xxxxx)/public_html/forum
Warning: array_multisort() [function.array-multisort]: Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in [path]/packages/vbcms/widget/execphp.php(191) : eval()'d code on line 109
#articles - featured and databasepull int(0) int(0)
OBS: The "(xxxxx)" I changed for security.
Thanks ;]