Date/time functions
Hello Guys,
I'm working on a mod for my buddies forum and i want to use as much as the standard vbulletin build in functions as possible.
This is my first mod for vbulletin so its not going to be 100% perfect and easy to install to other forums.
Setitng up new pages, templates, using the wysiwg editor, db, etc functions isnt a problem.
But i cant find out how the date and time functions work in vbulletin.
I want to be able to display the dates in the timezones +DST from the users.
Now i can build my own functons that saves the dates in GMT in the database and converts the date to the user timezone with the $vbulletin->userinfo['timezoneoffset'] variable, but i'm having trouble with the DST.
What i want to do is use the build in date/time functions but i need to know :
- what are the date/ time functions
- In what format/timezone is it saved
- how to convert them to the users timezone keeping in mind the DST settings of the user.
If possible can somebody provide me some example codes?
Thanks in advance!