I upgraded my vBulletin (4.1.12 P1) and Shoutbox (6.07 Lite) today. For some reason, users that are logged in see all shouts as whatever font color they select for themselves. So if I pick purple as my shout color, everyone's shouts turn purple in my browser. If "joe" picks green, he sees all shouts as green.
Prior to the upgrade, each user could have different colors, helping to discern who was shouting easier. The strange thing is, if I log out (unregistered user), I see the color the other people picked. So Bob's color is red, Joe's color is blue, etc.
My custom themes were destroyed by the vBulletin upgrade, and my users hate bright white, so everyone is using a generic grey generated theme right now until I have time to fix the styles. I'm not sure if this is causing the problem, or if I'm missing some setting in the administration section.
It's not a huge issue, just checking to see if there was a fix I could do to make the different users show up with different colors again.