The guy who did the installation set the "forum url" to just instead of
This was fine till we added a donate button and it wouldn't redirect the person back to the correct page or automatically change their usergroup. We figured it was because the forum URL was incorrect and changed it to have the trailing /forum on the end. The issue we have now is that some things seem to not work.
1. When selecting a theme from the bottom, it doesn't refresh the page to activate the theme selected.
2. Chatbox says loading the entire time and when you try to post to chatbox you get a security token error.
3. When the forum url has the /forum on the end, Always use Forum URL as Base Path has to be set to NO or nothing works at all.
4. Eventually the site will change the forum url to if the above #3 is set. It works for a while then does mentioned.
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.