Anyone having trouble with scoring should run through this troubleshooting list:
If that does not help, I will need an admin login to poke around on your site. Currently no known scoring issues.
Originally Posted by skol
Auto Post URL..For auto posting single games from mochis site.What file should the url point too..
The URL to your arcade.php
Originally Posted by Mukashi
Noticing a little odd behaviour in how this the mod seems to interact with other mods, hoping someone here might be able to assist.
Okay, so the mods in question are...
[DBTech] vBArcade (vB4)
[DBTech] vBNavTabs - Navbar Tabs / Tab Management v1 (vB4)
and the vBulletin integration plugin for Photopost 8.03.
Okay, so as you can see on our forum homepage...
...the tabs for the Gallery (created by the Photopost plugin), the Arcade (created by this mod) and the Social Groups (created by the DBTech vBNavTabs mod) work fine
Likewise, if we go to the page for social groups, using the tab created by DBTech vBNavTabs...
...all those tabs are still there and working properly
But if we go to the Arcade, with the tab this mod creates...
...the tab for the gallery is missing
The oddest thing though....if I then turn off the tab in this mod, and try creating an Arcade tab with DBTech vBNavTabs, I get the same thing. The Gallery tab vanishes.
I have no idea if the error lies with this mod, or with the Photopost integration, or what it is, but it's a very odd situation regardless. Any ideas why this would be happening, and what we could do to fix that from happening?
Hm, if this is still troubling you, I'll need the photopost addon to try it locally (or an admin login with plugin access on your site)
Originally Posted by stwan
Where can I get a converter of v3arcade in vbarcade?
If you still have v3 Arcade installed, vBArcade will detect its presence and give you the option to import from the import page. If you have v3 arcade games, you can use the upload tool for the v3arcade zips of the games, and it should be able to read them.