I have tested my website in various internet browsers, namely
- IE9. IE8, IE7
- Chrome and
- Firefox 11
Simply the header is all over the show. At times, there is a white gap on the right hand side, other times, the logo appears but not in full, some other times, the whole header is out of alignment.
I did raise a ticket with vBulletin but so far I am not happy with the support. The responses have been less than adequate, vary basic and shows not pro activeness at all..
Very disappointing particularly considering how important to the success of a website is looking feel for the user experience. Not the kind of support one would have expected
I was wondering if there may be somebody in the vBulletin community more willing to assist or provide me with some guidance as to how on what to do to minimize the impact on the website display due to users utilizing different Internet Browsers.
As a reference, I am providing the latest info I shared with the vBulletin Support team.. Also, my website URL (for the time being ) is
Notice the white bar or white space on the right hand side
From another laptop
This is actually how it should look like
It looks OK but you will notice that the logo is not fully displayed
Firefox 11
It looks OK but you will notice that the logo is not fully displayed
really bad
from another Laptop
It looks OK