I haven't read through all these threads yet, so don't get upset if I ask something that has already been asked. But, I was wondering if there was a way to add points automatically to a members point count every time they post. As opposed to doing it individually to each user, which can take alot of time if you have many active users on your forum :/. For example, lets say everytime someone posts they get 3 points.
Although even this is sorta basic, and to go even further would there be a way to make it work in conjuction with the HP/MP/EXP hack, so that the amount of points you get per posts depends on your level?
For example, but not necessarily in this fashion:
lvl 1 = 1point per post
lvl 2 = 2.5points per post
lvl 3 = 4points per post
and so on.....at each level incrementing at gradually increasing rates
If you can help, I (and I'm sure others) would be very gratiful.