Originally Posted by Jncocontrol
I don't mean to be rude about this mod, But could in theory just make a section of the forums and just name it "question and advice"?
By saying your opinion doesn't means that you're becoming rude. If you read my main post I'm trying to explain the reason that push me to code this mod.
Yes sure you can make a forum working as you said. But for how many categories? eg if you have 5 main categories with 5-10 subcategories each, forum should works fine. But if you've more? vBulletin has limitations on how many categories-> subcategories can hadle (categories = forums).
But even if you don't reach this limitations, why to add them there, while you can have them seperate, with much less queries than vB has in forums? Another point is the interface, even if this is a personal touch, so maybe I'm wrong. I like the interface that I did (comparing with the forums interface).
Last thing is, that usally a question of this style is not a discussion. Is a simple question with 5-10 answers. Why to waste the resources of a full thread of it. Also (in my opinion) has a disadvantage. Actually I don't like the quotes as most users are loosing the meaning. Also posts like "Thank you", or "I agree", even if they're very polite, are making a long thread without special reason. Again here, is just a question and just the answers to the question.
Again in no way you're rude. It was a logic question.