im getting the security token errors on 3.8.7
running The query shows most templates all of a sudden need editing BUT when I check them they all have the required code
Im lost
error im getting is
Script Call Backtrace
#0 /home/xxx/public_html/vbforum/includes/functions.php line 2704: eval()
#1 /home/xxx/public_html/vbforum/global.php line 379: fetch_error(security_token_missing,sendmessage.php)
#2 /home/xxx/public_html/vbforum/newattachment.php line 42: require_once(/home/xxx/public_html/vbforum/global.php)
#3 /home/xxx/public_html/vbforum/vbseo.php line 1397: require(/home/xxxxx/public_html/vbforum/newattachment.php)
POST Variables
[securitytoken] =>
[ajax] => 0
Request URI
any ideas are welcome