I ran into a problem with this add on when working on a new feature for my forum.
For each style template you have, whoever first views a post that isn't already in the postparsed table causes a record to be inserted into the postparsed table. If that person has showimages turned on, then the parsed post will show the image to other users who use that style template no matter whether they have showimages turned on or not. Same thing in reverse if the first person has showimages turned off.
It's an easy fix, fortunately, but it was very difficult to track down.
In the bbcode_parse_complete plug-in, remove or comment out the following line:
$this->cached['text'] = $text;
and change the hook to bbcode_parse_complete_precache
then delete all records from the postparsed table. The table will be rebuilt properly as your users click on threads and view posts.