Chen, great job and idea!
Of course it will make things much easier and should multiply hacks installed on each board.
This reason, main problem I can see from here now is : what would be the behavior of
vbhacker dealing with already hacked code it doesn't recognize when searching for text to replace ?
Increasing the number of blinded-eye installed hacks, I fear the number of unexpected (unpredictable) LOCs by the single n-number hack (because it couldn't know the n-1 hacks installed before...) could increase exponentially.
But it's the
industrial revolution law .... !!!!

Here we have the steam machine !
Thanks a lot for this new philosophy, btw.
Note for many users in this thread: I love this new deal, absolutely. I would only point out the most important goal of this forum should be to increase the knowledge about vb php/template scenarios, not to have 200+ hacks self-installed. Remeber that everyone had to upgrade all of them on any new release without even knowin how to edit a file....
This is my own PoV, of course ....