nacaruncr, I have released the second beta with modified jquery script code that will hopefully help you.
To upgrade from Beta 1 to Beta 2 all you need to do is re-import the product file, allowing overwrite.
If you have both this and the jQt Suite installed, but only wish to use the Log-In/Register Slider, you need to do one of the following:
1: If you use Template Modification System, go to AdminCP/Styles & Templates/Template-Modifications Manager/Edit-Template-Modification/jQt Login/Register and open all three of the following edits and disable them (Change the Active selector from Yes to No)
Header:Register Switch One
Header:Register Switch Two
Header:Register Switch Three
2: If you are adding the templates manually, do NOT apply the jQt Suite register button template edits.
I have tested running both on the same system here, and everything works fine.