The issue isn't MAJOR. But I certainly notice that after the vb4 mod was accidentally installed? It made the category strips stretch out or break or something. When I uninstalled, it didn't undo what it did. I can't get a screenshot of my other skins. Google unfortunately only caches the main skin. But I know what I'm talking about.
As far as the config.php file is concerned. Let me try and explain a bit better. I told my webhost to create a second database for me. So I could upload a backup of my forum to the NEW database. They did. So now I have 2 databases at my disposal. hmands_nicky and hmands_new. But I'm running vb on one specifically. The new one, hmands_new.
When they uploaded the backup of my forum from Sunday. And the backup of my forum from December 31st 2011 to hmands_new (the new database), the errors with the styles were still present. So I assumed it was a forum issue since switching databases didn't apparently solve the problem. But I rememberd my "one single" config.php file in my forums folder. I only changed the DATABASE NAME in the config.php file from hmands_nicky, to hmands_new.
I never changed or edited the DATABASE USERNAME or DATABASE PASSWORD in my config.php file. Because my host set it up where the new database uses the same DATABASE USERNAME and DATABASE PASSWORD, as the old database. So my question is, could this be why switching databases didn't work? Do I also need to create a new DATABASE USERNAME and DATABASE PASSWORD to place into my config.php file??
Or for example. If you had 3 databases at your disposal. And moved your vb forum from one DB to another. Would just changing the DATABASE name in your forums config.php file be enough? Or would you have to change the DB NAME, the DB USERNAME, AND THE DB PASSWORD? And then possibly delete the database you just moved your forum from? If they all run on the same server?