Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
yep, I understand it's pretty much...
For example I can take your hack "Number of new replies per thread on forum display" that is specially designed for vbhacker.
U have a code there that inserts <b>Replies<br>(new / total)</b> into one of templates.
Now...What if I don't like to have text Replies to be bold? Or maybe I have not-english spoken board, or I want to change text Teplies to Answers (just as an example, don't take it serios).
If u want to make it different as I have wrote before, u will have to edit template anyway those making vbhacker a tool, that make all boards like others.
Got main idea?
Some people have to whine about everything. If you don't like the hack don't install it. Enough said.