Hey guys -
Is it possible for stangger5 and Hippy to get "joint custody" of this script since Mr Z is too busy? Having to sift through multiple threads with lengthy discussions about which code to use, what edits are best and why 2.7.1 is the version to use and not 2.72 (???!!!???) gets pretty confusing for us non-coders.
For a long time now, this script is has been officially dormant with new versions few and far between, while fixes (or not) abound in the forums. I understand the original author has expanded his family and his outside comimtments, and I'm not trying to criticize him in the least. Without him, this wouldn't be here in the first place.
That said, stangger5 and Hippy have been doing most of the heaving lifting on this script for some time now, and it seems it would be to everyone's benefit to give them equal access to the official releases along with Mr. Z to make this an equal partnership. The code could get back on track to be the awesome script it could be, instead of limping along and propped up with forum post file edits. They both have demonstrated a commitment to the script, and on their own sites have expanded its capabilities. Let's give 'em a chance to take this script to new heights instead of limiting their talents to covering it with bandaids.
Do I hear an "amen?"