Originally Posted by djbaxter
You are laboring under a widespread but nonetheless false understanding of how a page passes PageRank.
Thank you djbaxter for your kind reply. I appreciate your taking the time to do so.
Originally Posted by djbaxter
A link pointing to another page is a "vote" for the destination page and may add PageRank to that destination page. The originating page loses nothing.
That is not what I learned. I?d appreciate it if you could sustain your argument with any solid proof from the horse?s mouth (google in this case)
Originally Posted by djbaxter
The equation for this is:
PR passed = .85 * {PR of originating page} / {total # outgoing links on the originating page, incl. internal navigation links}
Dj, such formula, if correct, would not be something that google published. So where does this come from Sir?
I?d appreciate it if you could provide any solid argument on this.
In fact, if that were true, my site should not be at all having any issues with PR because we have literally thousands of back links in facebook group discussions. Facebook as you surely know is a PR9.
My site used to be a PR4 for many years. It recently, in an enigma lost more than half a million of pages in google?s index (as estimated by site:mysite) and dropped to PR2. Despite thousands of back-links on Facebook groups, we are still PR2 and not moving any inch forward. The same can be said about the number of pages in Google index: stable at 150-200K.
Kindly check this where I explain this issue
Originally Posted by djbaxter
Note that using nofollow still counts as an outgoing link in this equation.
Sir, if the nofollow has no effect on your PR, why do big sites such as Facebook add
target="_blank" rel="nofollow nofollow" to every single external link?