Go to Admin CP - > Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> [Choose your style] -> Choose "Edit Templates" from the drop down menu -> Postbit Templates (double click to expand this group.)
Now find either [B]postbit[/B ]or
postbit_legacy depending on the one you use and double click on it to open it in the template editor.
Paste in this code wherever you want the Pinterest button to appear:
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_bop_pinterest}
finally, save the template...
Now check how it looks. It will probably need some adjusting. You will also need to edit the template
postbit_pinterest_vb4 to make additional adjustments as needed.
Sorry but that is as much detail as I'm willing to go into making these edits. Quite frankly I don't suggest people try these if they don't already know what they are doing.