Anybody having issues please report as much details as you can on our site so we can continue to weed out random server problems. Logs during error periods are extremely helpful.
We have been reviewing the code and testing it on many different configurations to work to weed out all errors we can, but we really need detailed log information to help us out, since all servers are not configured the same.
Please remember this is a very advanced system in terms of how it works and the code behind it, so changes and fixes have to be carefully evaluated before they can be pushed into the production version of the script.
Also this modification is designed more for dedicated servers, while having said that it can work on VPS, and small shared hosting sites, but its not guaranteed to run on them.
We are also working on IIS issues with the script since IIS stops sending reply data when the stream is open, as it see it as an active request and waits for it to be finished before handling the next request (page load). If anybody has things working on IIS please share with us the changes that you made to IIS to help us get things fixed faster.
Also for faster response and to help us track things better please report stuff over on our site so we can respond faster, as well as organize and prioritize the bugs and data given.