Originally Posted by Buraz
Well, a new user registered and it works well. I checked then the DB and saw the new user had |1|1 at the end of his steam_link entry... so I'll just change mine and the other admin ones. (we have |0|0 for some reason).
The |1|1 and |0|0 are there for a reason and should not be changed!
Try clearing the cache directory of the steam mini profiles. (forum/clientscript/steamprofile/cache)
Originally Posted by Buraz
Also, still can't move the miniprofile to right side. Tried another method but it's not working 
Tried deactivating 'add steam profile' in plugins and followed your guidelines in #3, but the miniprofile just disappears. Tried in postbit and postbit_legacy, both.
You know CSS? A float:right should be enough to get the badge on the right corner.