Originally Posted by Disasterpiece
Steam has been down today for a few hours. Check again and see if it still happens.
Well, a new user registered and it works well. I checked then the DB and saw the new user had |1|1 at the end of his steam_link entry... so I'll just change mine and the other admin ones. (we have |0|0 for some reason).
Edit: Tried it. Still not working... but the new user's one is working o_O I suspect is something related with our accounts, which were registered BEFORE steam connect implementation and we were unlinking and linking accounts around to test things out. That's the only reason I can think of... but I thought that could be fixed in the DB, but I can't see what's wrong :/
Also, still can't move the miniprofile to right side. Tried another method but it's not working

Tried deactivating 'add steam profile' in plugins and followed your guidelines in #3, but the miniprofile just disappears. Tried in postbit and postbit_legacy, both.