I'm using the Kevin's nntp gateway to link my vB and usenet.
It's very useful, but, i got an idea ...
Why not doing the same with mailing-lists ?
Take a look at
he made a script that import the ML's messages into his db.
I'd like to do the same but in the vB's db
Have you understand ?
Technicaly, i think it's a bit difficult to download the mails ...
Can you help me ?
Here is what i plan to do :[list=1][*]Create a fake mailing list[*]add the mailing-lists adress to this fake ML[*]Modify the EZML's import script to add into vb[/list=1]
What do you think about it ?
Do you think it's realizable ?
Anyone interested on helping me doing this ?
The objective is when it'll be done, to release a vB hack ...
You can PM, mail or ICQ me if you're interested...