Originally Posted by VBDev
I have used stangger5 fix but was getting the reported issue with stristr on a customer forum.
I did the below edit, code will do the same and is simpler.
In arcade.php search for the ibp_cleansql function, search for
PHP Code:
// remove any SQL-commands
Add below :
PHP Code:
$sqlcomm = array();
Then search for :
PHP Code:
$value = recursive_str_ireplace($sqlcomm, '', $value);
Comment it out :
PHP Code:
// $value = recursive_str_ireplace($sqlcomm, '', $value);
Add after :
PHP Code:
foreach ($sqlcomm AS $key => $needle)
$value = str_ireplace($needle, '', $value);
That does the same but is fairly simpler...
Though I must admit that Mrz fixed the 2.7.1 security issue rather uglily...
That bit of code could remove actual correct content ...
Thank you! This fixed the problem for me, it's been driving me nuts.