Originally Posted by berryracer
I was generally unimpressed with all of these sites. Two of them could not be more boring and the other appeared to be it a state of total chaos. My guess it those sites have an user post average of about 3. The only reason to join is to ask the same question "which one should I buy?"
Some of those numbers seem a little suspicious to me. I've seen sites were they boast 15 bazillion members and when you go into the forum, there are 25 threads with 2.5 million views and 3 replies.
Crackberry is much slower than my site, but I don't think it's the program that affects the speed...isn't that a server issue?
I'm still very new to this vb thing, but after a somewhat frustrating year, I'm really beginning to like the program. In my opinion, vb4 is the best forum I've ever used as a forum member or owner. The two main reasons I've warmed up to vb4 is because of the hosting I have with KevinL of HostAtom and my designer/manager Socialteenz. Both are members here and are highly recommended.