Figured out that it is my hosting company. I had to rewrite my php.ini file and make a php5.ini. Allowing URL_fopen. So far still hasn't worked though. I'm about to give up on this hosting company and go with another. argh.
how you make this ini change ? can you give me more details please ?
possible i have same problem
i tray to install this mod on my forum cms and can't find how to show the images.
i ask for help from decoder and is not responds no p.m not mail an visit in site registered and ask for help
no respond
then i ask for PAY work
offer money for install this mod
few cool professional vbulletin supporters and programmers take the job bat after two weeks of try to make this mod to show images
in the end some of this programers tel me that the is possible the problem is not in configuration.the problem is in the php files conf
i think i give up from try install it my self
this mod not works with vb 4.1.11 . 12
or anyone think different ?
really need this mod