First of all let me tell to you that i really enjoy to use the vbulletin forum then i am setting up a forum but the issue that we have now, is that we dont know how to apply the scenario let me explan to you the scenarios that we used:
Scenario 1:
Spanish in ISO charset
Russian in UTF-8
The trouble here is when the users switch between languages if they write in Russian they got the ??????? or another symbols when they switch to spanish language, then this scenario was not very fine
Scenario 2:
Spanish and Russian in UTF-8 Charset
Here, the issue is that the spanish users can't use letters for their native language like the "?" or some accents like "acci?n" because we got a ? symbol instead the letter or accent
so, in the very best way i ask to this community for help about how can i manage to mix this two languages?
Any help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance