Originally Posted by pcoskat
Has anyone had security issues with this mod?
I really want it, however, my programmer (who is very well-versed with vB) is against it, as he has had to remove it from other client's boards due to security issues as a result of the coding.
Was this perhaps an issue with previous versions? Any insight would be helpful...like I said: I REALLY want to install this mod.
If there were any secuirty issue with this mod or any other mod on this forum , the vbulletin team will immediatly remove it. Their eyes are always opened
This does not mean we don't want to know what is the secuirty issue that you or your tech friend knows about this mod.
Originally Posted by espkaruna
It functions fine in 4.1.12 for me. However, ever since I upgraded the avatars in the sidebar are not resizing correctly and show up way larger than what I would like. I am still looking for a solution to fix that. Setting 'Store CSS as Files' to 'No' makes the avatars resize correctly again, but I rather like having the option to store my CSS as files.
Could you try to add widget.css to cssrollup_everywhere_sidebar.xml and upload it again then disable and enable the product. Does this fix it?
Please check my spelling for the files name as my English is not that good.