Originally Posted by Hornstar
Shame it does not work with the thanks mod from dbtech
It would still find videos and it would still allow avatar or forum logo sharing- just external images and attachments won't work.
I downloaded the dbtech mod to see if I could figure out a way to make them compatible but I can't make heads or tails of dbtech code.
If dbtech could fix their mod so they don't parse the $post['pagetext'] value- or even if they copied $post['pagetext'] to something like $post['noparse'] before parsing I could easily add code to detect if their mod is installed and if so use the alternate $post['noparse'] value when searching for images and attachments.
Those with a coding background may ask why don't I just search the parsed text for images <img> instead of [IMG]. The answer is because if I search parsed text for images and the first image is simply a smiley then the smiley would be the "thumbnail" which isn't going to work well for sharing on Pinterest.
Let me try and contact them and see if they have a solution.