Advice on future
Ok guys and gals i purchased vb early in 4.0.
Merged from another software. Anyway i purchased only the forum option.
At the time i suspected support but there was none. No big deal i dont want to discuss that.
However i have found more and more problems in recent updates and a growing problem of actually being able to resolve these issues. I am not a coder. Far from it. Im a tradie.
My question is this......
Should i pay the small fee to get support and that will fix my problems or...
Should i merge to another system and resolve issues that way?
All my forum really uses is a chatroom and the forums obviously.
SEO is something i would be wanting. Good seo even if its paid like vbseo i would not have a problem but the software would need good SEO.
Security is obviously an issue as is stability.
Beyond that spam is the only other factor i worry about.
Any ideas what direction to take?