Originally Posted by Adam H
Large sites generally dont upgrade unless they need too, why does everyone feel that because there is a new version every site has to upgrade. Large forum owners or in many cases large company forums do have so many custom modification it wouldnt be cost effective to upgrade , expense wise or time wise.
They also have the resources to maintain, develop and secure highly customised board so they rarely have any need for external support or support from such people as vbulletin them selves.
There isnt a massive conspiracy as to why some forums dont upgrade, VB4 is a better system.
It will be a case with many people though, why fix something that isnt broken.
I wasnt aware that your board was brand new when you said you downgraded however which is why i thought it was suicide waiting to happen, but still starting a new board i would want to remain in the loop for as long as possible rather than jumping back on a script which doesnt have the support it once did.
I once asked here why this site wasn't upgraded, I got several answers and they were all the same thing: "Why fix something that isn't broken?"