Originally Posted by Alfa1
I run a big board and am still on vb3. I speak to a lot of other big board owners. Most "would not touch vb4 with a ten feet pole". (exact quote)
vb4 offers nothing of interest that makes it worth while to migrate to that. It does have: - 800 bugs. Even though there were thousands more, 800 bugs is still an insane amount.
- an aborted rewrite. Meaning spaghetti code and low coding quality.
- looks just as outdated as vb3. It can not exactly compete with XF or IPB. lol.
- the vbCMS suicide issue
- various unwanted addons no one asked for. (which can be disabled)
So with these handicaps, what does it offer to make it worthwhile to upgrade?
Currently nothing that I see within vbulletin.
What is worth considering is certain addons only available for vb4.
1. No it doesnt (as has been pointed out to you time and time again).
2. I'll grant you its a bit spaghetti in places, but most users dont care about the code. Calling it "Low Quality" is just pure rubbish.
3. Thats pure personal opinion, not fact.
4. What ? Talk about being a drama queen, Suicide ? I dont think so.
5. The fact you dont care for them is again purely personal preference, not fact.