Originally Posted by adbox
I'm having an issue with a sub category of a category forum, and all it's subsforums, not being able to display.
My heiarchy is like this:
I'm trying to create a tab that reveals Subcat2.2 and it's subforums with no luck. When I paste the forum ID of subcat2.2 the tab shows nothing. If I paste the ID of Cat2 then all the subcats with their subforums show. If I paste all the forum ids of Subcat2.2, still nothing shows.
Any idea on what I should do? Maybe there's been an update recently (but I don't think there has).
Will try to recreate/test that with both this YUI version and the new jQuery version.
Originally Posted by markp_2000
Will this run with vbSEO?
I have made the modifications but it still is not working.
I'm not running the vbCMS or blog if that makes a difference but I am running vbSEO.
Yes it works with vbSEO as I run vbSEO myself on
Originally Posted by synseal
This would be better taken over by someone who has more time to make it seo friendly.
Sigh.... its not a huge SEO penalty as has been said before, if you dont want ajax based loading then you should go for a static but fat page tab version.
Originally Posted by DM BoNeZ
it was working fine till now just for me it wont show the forums
and i dont think thats good for some people

What version are you running (vBulletin)?
A edit is required from 4.1.11 to get things to work with the new loader scripts nicely.
Originally Posted by loaep
Is it possible you still have:
<ol id="forums" class="floatcontainer">
{vb:raw forumbits}
Under the edits for the plugin?