Originally Posted by squidsk
Here's a fix that fixes both issues:
1) Disable/delete the YAAS - Profile Tab Plugin that is attached to the member_complete hook (in other words my previous fix for problem 1 is not required anymore). If this isn't done you will get two Awards tabs on profile pages.
2) Make the following edits (all text in blue needs to be added) to the YAAS in Member Profile - Profile plugin that is attached to the member_build_blocks_start hook:
$blocklist['myawards'] = array(
'class' => 'MyAwards',
'title' => $vbphrase['awards'],
'options' => array(
'pagenumber' => $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber']
'hook_location' => 'profile_tabs_last',
'wrap' => false
I don't think this is a proper fix. Disabling
YAAS - Profile Tab Plugin will remove the working tab.
Your addition to
YAAS in Member Profile - Profile just makes the phantom tab that appears in the wrong spot now have the awards text. Really I would like to remove this phantom tab and leave the working one alone.
I fixed the inactive tab and active tab status by adding the missing dd class "<dd class="userprof_moduleinactive">" that
YAAS - Profile Tab was missing. So I have mine working on inactive and active status, just want to get rid of the phantom tab.
Anyone know how to do that?