Originally Posted by SEOvB
Hey There,
This is a quick & dirty fix.
Add this plugin to your postbit_display_start hook:
PHP Code:
if($this->post->usergroupid == 6) { $this->post['is_admin'] = true; }
Find the div in your postbit template with the postrow class, and edit it.
HTML Code:
<div class="postrow">
HTML Code:
<div class="postrow" <vb:if condition="$post['is_admin']">style="background-color: #ddd"</vb:if>>
Change the #ddd to whatever color you want.
No guarantees, but that should work  .
-Nick, SEOvB Developer
Thanks for your reply Nick. Nooby question, but what is the div with the postrow class called? Also, if I were to do this same thing for another usergroup, what would I do with;
$this->post['is_admin'] = true;