I am looking for someone who might know the correct hookname and the correct db name in bold and red below. I have it half working but once you refresh, you go from working to not working and so on. Any feedback or help is much appreciated. This is for the Who's Online page.
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
<title><![CDATA[Hide IP on whos online page.]]></title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[global $vbulletin;
$sadminid = $vbulletin->options['superadmin_id'];
if ($vbulletin->options['bogus_ip_enable'])
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] == $sadminid)
$posts = $vbulletin->db->query_write("
UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session
SET host = '" . $vbulletin->options['bogus_ip'] . "'
WHERE userid = '" . $vbulletin->options['superadmin_id'] . "'