Originally Posted by snoopytas
Has anyone extended the 'bot to handle a smart response engine?
i.e. has anyone implemented an Eliza like 'bot?
Nope but I am planning on.
Originally Posted by snoopytas
I added this simple plugin to get fortune quotes (you need fortune installed on your Linux server).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5" product="mgc_cb_evo">
<title>Fortune Quote</title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[if ($notfound AND (strcasecmp('quote',$this->raw_chat) == 0))
$this->bot_answer = shell_exec('fortune');
$notfound = 0;
Interesting one, might include that in the next release
Originally Posted by MrHyde
Any Chance to get the version fully running for 3.8.7? Would be nice to know, if you can fix the command/action section. Thanks!
Of course, in the next release I'll look into it.
Originally Posted by oldblackguy
For some reason when I installed I get these red x boxes in chat. Can someone help me. Besides that it works great.
Originally Posted by Moncha
Depending ont eh path of the images, you may have a problem with it showing user avatars. Take a look at the properties of the image and see what's missing
I think this might be the menu_open.gif file, it has dissapear from vB archive in latest version apparently. You have to retrieve it from the previous vB version and put it in the misc dir.