Originally Posted by djbaxter
And here is the reason: Your product file does not properly allow for table prefixes in creating tables so that subsequently when the system looks for the table {prefix}pan_dem_messages that table does not exist - only the table {noprefix}pan_dem_messages exists.
The same problem exists for table pan_dem_instances'.
Nothing to do with vBSEO. It's a bug in the product.
Could have just said: "You forgot to add the table prefix constant".
Originally Posted by djbaxter
It may make zero sense but I can confirm that it happens. Also using vBSEO with vBulletin 4.1.11 PL1.
Sorry about that, probably the first time I ever forgot to put table_prefix in there. We all make mistakes.
Reimport the product and it should be all good to go.
Originally Posted by Mr_Running
These two options behave same/similar
Always Replace:
- Replace messages everywhere.
Only javascript :
- Only replace messages using javascript (before message is posted).
Please clarify for the guy who may need some sleep.
Is there an option to not have Phrase text before and after notices?
They're pretty much idential- but the second option allows for browsers without javascript enabled or very old browsers to still post the message without having the message removed. Another difference, it allows for the message to be intentionally posted e.g copy and pasting a notice.
Perhaps not the most useful, but I thought I'd throw it in there as maybe a person or two might wish to use it.
That option doesn't exist because it is redundant. Simply edit the phrase to a space and that will do what you need. In the next version, I'm going to take it a step further and allow per-instance content before and after the message(s) including an easier way to specify none.