Facebook Like Bug
Facebook has made changes to their javascripts. It now creates a (mostly) invisible <div> element 2000 pixels above the button location on the page. For the vast majority of users who have the Facebook Like button "above the fold" (near the top of the page where it is recommended) this safely puts the <div>'s out of view so they don't affect page navigation.
However if you use the "What's Going On Box" location on FORUMHOME then it is very possible 2000 pixels is still visible on your page.
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do, I hope Facebook will eventually fix this by maybe going to 20,000 pixels or some absurdly large number or maybe removing need for these <div>'s at all.
Anyone getting this error can check with firebug and you will see the absolute positioned <div> with a value of -2000. It has no "class" attribute so it cannot be overridden or fixed with CSS.
For now I recommend moving the position of your Share buttons on FORUMHOME to "Top Left" or "Top Right" in your settings. It is better anyway, more people will see and use it there.