Originally Posted by kh99
This is the only example I've seen of anyone pointing out where it doesn't work, so I suppose the answer would be that the system is in place for the times that it does work, which seems to be almost all other times.
check my first link, I'm not the only one to notice this.
Originally Posted by JacquiiDesigns
Sorry to disappoint, but I've had the same exact issue as Brandon on more than a couple handfuls of threads/posts. Same error: Sorry, you are not allowed to 'Like' this post.
Perhaps there's a cutoff date on the posts you're allowed to like? IDK - but it is rather annoying...
thx for confirming again
Originally Posted by Lynne
There is a limit which I believe we have specified before. It is currently set to 180 in an open thread.
Paul said in
this thread that it isn't applied to modification.. which I had tried to like a post on?