Originally Posted by Mr_Running
Yes, it was in the title...It was kind of neat...do people still say neat. LOL
I am on 4.1.11 p1
I thought it might have been dbtech Post Template
I think it's sorted I have cleared caches and it appears my host may have been updating stuff on their end.
Request: Display without BBcode [ quote ]and maybe when you start typing the message disappears. 
That's one patch level away from my dev. Glad you have got it sorted.
The problem with removing the BBCode is it becomes much harder to find out which text to delete / replace. I suppose I could query the database for the message(s) and do it that way, though. I'll look into it.
As for typing and the message disappears, that's going to be difficult methinks (beat you on things people don't say anymore) but, again, I'll look into it.