Originally Posted by Videx
1) Don't screw with addons until you have it working. Then if you really need that iframe, go for it.
2) Don't over think it. Just rename 'uploads' to 'forum' (or wherever you have your forum installed), then in an FTP program just drop it on /public_html. Everything will go where it belongs.
Thanks for this.
So when I go into my folder named 'forum', I just stick the three files there? ( rbs_banner.php - rbs_stats.php - rbs_wrapper )
I've installed odd plugins successfully in the past, but still manage to confuse myself!
Edit: I think I've failed..
I have this error message appearing at the very top of my forum:
Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter in [path]\includes\functions.php(7246) : eval()'d code on line 93