Originally Posted by Krusty1231
So, just to be clear - I only need this AFTER something bad happens? So if I install it right now while everything is good - and say a few months from now my forum gets hacked, I just have to run it?
Or, I do not install it now - my forum gets hacked in a few months - then come back here and install it?
I'm not entirely clear on that part.
Yeah, don't install it now. Download it, or bookmark this page if you want, but you shouldn't leave it on your server when you aren't using it (it's not a security risk, but you don't really want a file that fetches all the templates and re-compiles them just laying around - if someone happened to find it and hammered it, it could impact your server load).
It's a tool that can help clean up defaced forums if the templates are hacked a certain way, so it can be very useful if that happens. Just remember that that is all it does, it won't magically fix everything else or prevent you from being compromised again - it's a tool, not a cure.