Originally Posted by Mobo
You would have to custom code something like that as this product will not support it as is. I'm not sure, but I think that would require an extensive re-write of the code.
How many times can a player get the same cap?
Also, have you tried just limiting the number of medals shown on the post bit and letting the rest of them display only in the user's profile tab? That way you could control how many show on the postbit and still have the total count reflect the greater number (also in the postbit as you have it now).
I think an if condition could just be added to the ranks_postbit_display just not sure how I should do it, I tried a couple of variations and ruined the display.
I also did limit the awards that how however I have an extensive list of awards if you have a look:
The problem is if I limit it to one medal then that is not great as members want to see there award, but if I limit it to two then some users only have caps and that would display twice so that is also an issue. I need to do something though as I have currently 18 countries listed that will play with players needing caps, at 11 players each time currently thats 198 members not issued with awards because of this current problem I have. And since some have played 4/5 games you can imagine how many awards are to be issued.