This version doesn't do a usergroup check on who can use it, it only does a usergroup check on immune users. But yes it does look for primary group only.
However it is a 1 line fix to make it work for secondary and primary groups:
Edit the
Advaned [YOU] Function Plugin:
Find this line:
elseif (in_array($yougroup, explode(',', $vbulletin->options['adyoubop5_im']))) //If an immune user
and replace it with:
elseif (is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, explode(',', $vbulletin->options['adyoubop5_im']))) //If an immune user
As for the mod it clashes with I would think this new version shouldn't clash with any mods but I haven't checked it as I have my own version of the "HTML Markup Everywhere" mod.