Originally Posted by Alex@bulletin
what you can see is my test board using 4.1.10. But there a lot of other modifications installed for testing. maybe there are some incompatibilities  I don't know, sorry
Give me a minute, I will switch off all other Add-Ons except yours, and take a look, whether the issue still appears.
EDIT: I switched off all modifications concerning SHOWTHREAD. The issue is definitely caused by your mod  But I'm sure you will find the error in your code.
I tested it on vBulletin v4.1.10 and I get no errors at all, it may be your style for your forums, I will upload a picture of it installed on 4.1.10 but like I said I found no errors at all. What style are you using?
Also are you using vBulletin suite? one of my friends said he tried it on suite and it crashed his CMS so thats another issue I will have to look into. Edit: I installed vBulletin with suite and no errors!
Must be some kind of incompatability, but please post your style and I will look into that, but as far as everything else this plugin works with no problems for me on any version I use.