Originally Posted by camoit
OK here is my URL
It's allowing you to view and type on it. Let me know if there is more you may need. If you try to type somthing it just stays on the text input area and flashes the 503. then after time it will tell you your flaged.
You have a database error. Please check the email you have set up as technicalemail in config.php for the error message
Originally Posted by wat3v3r
With the latest update I keep getting this error at times
Error: 200 parsererror
Nothing displays on the shoutbox during this erroe and it keeps saying "Loading.." I need to prune the shoutbox to make it work again.
What might be causing this ?
Next time it happens, please don't prune the SB and send me you URL along with an account that can access the SB (or make it accessible to guests) so I can find out why
