Originally Posted by Pandemikk
Are you showing a shoutbox on showthread?
There's a possibility that bluehost is just lying to you about your CPU usage.
No, and I never was. The chatbox was only displayed on the forum home page.
There's nothing on the thread pages other than 3 advertisements (1 at the top, 1 in the first post, and 1 in the last post). They aren't google ads, just affiliate ads I put up.
Not sure if it matters, but I also made it so people have to click to view the quick reply box thinking it might help.
Here's what it says right now in my bluehost account:
Your account is actively experiencing CPU limiting factors (throttling).
During the past 24 hours your account has been throttled for a total of 26218.478 seconds.
Over 7 hours :erm:
I'm not sure what reason they would have to lie to me. But I'm quite naive when it comes to all this stuff. What's your thinking?