Hello I have a fix for this great chatbox mod. In cron task file mgc_cb_evo_ban.php the mod are unbanning all users without checking if the user is banned and if you use /ban on uname <nickname> the bantime is always 0 and the cron task will unban.
Edit mgc_cb_evo/cron/mgc_cb_evo_ban.php
Find this code:
PHP Code:
// Lets unban users
SET mgc_cb_evo_banned='0',mgc_cb_evo_bantime='0'
WHERE mgc_cb_evo_bantime<'" . TIMENOW . "'
and replace it with:
PHP Code:
// Lets unban users
SET mgc_cb_evo_banned='0',mgc_cb_evo_bantime='0'
WHERE mgc_cb_evo_banned = '1' AND mgc_cb_evo_bantime > '0' AND mgc_cb_evo_bantime < '" . TIMENOW . "'
Now if you use a permanent ban using /ban on uname <nick> it will be a permanent ban, otherwise it apply bantime > 0 and the user will be re-admited when the time expires.