dedicated server will not make your site faster on its own... you need a host that is reliable... BlueHost is one of the worst in the market...
no matter how you compress or enhance your site, the host is more important than the way to deal with the design etc, because the browser will handle it anyway. right now, we do not have the numbers to your stats, so we can not compare performances...
a dedicated server will not help you if you can not handle its building and configuration on your own, because you will have to pay for someone to do the job that is included in a VPS... and your problems are not related to the server you're on, but the software handling your hosting...
blueHost and some other hosts are always targetting the software, so they can not be pointed at... but when blueHost is pointing at vBulletin, HostGator on their side use vBulletin as their support forum, so they know exactly how it works on a server, and they can deal with your configurations when needed... some other hosts act seriously like HG as well...