Members of my forum are complaining about the site loading slow lately.
I realize at this point that I should probably move my site to dedicated server hosting, but I do not have the funds to so anytime soon. So right now bluehost will have to do.
I currently have about 10,000 members. 10% are active.
So what other ways can I speed up my forum? Temporary files somewhere that are taking up space that I can delete? Settings in the cpanel that I can change somehow?
Along with slow loading time for my site, people have also complained about vbulletin database errors which I have tried fixing in the past to no avail (vbulletin blames my host. my host blames vbulletin). Also someone recently said this:
The "Are you sure you want to leave the page" and database error has happened to me.. and double posts, even though I only press the submit button once.
I have no clue about what to do about any of this. All suggestions are welcome! And if you'd like the link to my site, please PM me. I can give you a temporary account that you can view the site with.