OK, I think I was looking at a different gap - the one-pixel gap that's at the top, because in FireFox the gaps at the bottom aren't there. But I looked at it in Chrome and I see gaps at the bottom. It seems to be caused by this (also in the threadlist.css template):
.threadbit .threadstats {
font-size: {vb:stylevar mid_fontSize};
text-align: {vb:stylevar right};
padding: {vb:math {vb:math {vb:stylevar threadbit_iconsize.height}{vb:stylevar threadbit_iconsize.units} - {vb:math {vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}*{vb:stylevar line_height}*2} + {vb:stylevar padding}}/2} 0;
Apparently an attempt to calculate the correct padding to make everything look right. On your site it's coming up with 8.77...something or other pixels, and I found that if I manually changed it to 9px it looks better. Unfortunately, I don't really know why it's a problem only on Chrome or how to tell you to fix it.